6 Signs You Have a Supportive Friend

Friendships are one of life’s greatest gifts, and having a supportive friend is truly a blessing. But how can you tell if someone is really there for you?
Here are six signs you have a supportive friend who truly has your back. Keep an eye out for these traits—you may already have a friend who’s your biggest cheerleader!
They Listen to You
A listening friend. Whatever is going on in your life, they will always listen to you. They are always there to listen when you want to share about the new job, or a personal issue is causing you stress, or you just want to talk out something, they will be there. You do not even have to ask them for advice because they know how much it is needed just to be heard.
They Celebrate Your Successes
The true friends of the world are happy when you succeed. If your friend is genuinely able to celebrate all your successes, big or small, then they’re a keeper. Whether you land a promotion at work or somehow manage to beat your personal best at a sports book bet, they’ll be the first ones cheering you on.
They Help You Grow
A good friend never holds you back; she or he pushes you to become the best you can be. She or he encourages you to take risks out of your comfort zone and try new things. He or she advises you based on real care for your growth and happiness. If constructive criticism is involved, he or she does it in a way that improves you, not at the expense of pulling you down.
They Show Up When It Counts
A good friend will be there to support you whenever you need it. Whether the situation is good or bad, they will turn up. You never need to worry that you will face your moments of need alone because they always have a hand ready to be offered. The presence speaks volumes about how much they care.
They Accept You for Who You Are
A great friend is the one who loves you without any condition. They don’t try to change you or judge you for your imperfections. Rather, they embrace you for everything you are, good and bad, strength and weakness, quirks and all. With them, you do not need to pretend to be someone else.
They Make You Take Care of Yourself
A caring buddy is concerned about your physical and mental health. They urge you to take care of yourself, reminding you to rest when you are tired or seek help when needed. He knows that well-being can only be possible if one takes proper care of himself in order to give his best to others.
Wrapping Up
In any great friendship, these gestures of support surface. If you can identify such traits in your relationships, someone genuinely cares and loves you. A friendship where mutual support is offered not only strengthens the bond between two friends but also helps them to grow as people. Remember all these signs, and continue relationships that uplift you because nobody deserves friends who do not give a feeling of being supported or understood.